【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス


Explained about B/L for International Logistics. The Role and Flow of B/L has to be understood for all logistics person in charges.

Today, I’d like to explain “the Role of B/L” in international transportation. First of all, what is B/L? It means Bill of Lading. It’s an essential document for international trade. B/L has two main roles. Explanation of B/L Role and Flow by Movie No B/L, No Delivery B/L enable to control payment You can also […]

Explained Ocean Shipment flow. How is the process of the cargo and documents for sea shipment?

This time, I would like to talk about the flow of marine transportation. Especially in this topic, I’ll focus on FCL cargo. How is a cargo actually transported in marine transportation? It’s important for beginners and apprentices of logistics to understand the flow of cargo and it’s paperwork. First of all, let’s understand the overall […]

【30th Mar】The Impact of Covid-19 to International Logistics. Manila and India Lock Down / Reduction of Air Shipment service.

It has been two weeks since the WHO declared a pandemic on March 11, 2011. The Philippines closed Manila, and India closed the country and even imposed a curfew. And on March 26, an emergency declaration was declared in Thailand. At the moment, each country is taking its own measures to bring the situation under […]

Explained about Various Warehouse in Thailand. Warehouse of General, Cold & Frozen, DG, Bonded, Free Zone in Bangkok, Leam Chabang, Suvarnabhumi Airport, BangNa, Samutprakarn and so on.

When mainly handling imported cargo, some customers want us to arrange a warehouse. Warehouses are used not only just for stocking goods, but also for unloading and light work. There are many inquiries about Thai warehouses in Japanese people from our website, although I don’t know if there is a high demand from customers of […]

Forwarder – the Professional of International Trade. Explained about the detail of Forwarder job.

General public may not be familiar with the word, “forwarder.” Only a few people understand what a “forwarder” is doing. Certainly, I didn’t know much about an occupation, called forwarder, until I actually chose it as an occupation. My understand was like this; it arranges for logistics, but I had no idea what exactly it […]

Explained about LSS (Low Sulfur Surcharge). Why we cannot keep using the fuel that has been used before?

A new surcharge to sea transportation was added because of the new regulation mandated since 2020. The IMO (International Maritime Organization) has revised the Malpol Convention (Marine Pollution Control Treaty) to require that low-sulfur fuel called LSC heavy oil be used for ship fuel. Simply put, it has been decided by the international organization that […]

【13th Mar】Effect of Covid-19 to International Logsitics. Explain the current status from a Thai Freight Forwarder point of view.

Currently, COVID-19 is shaking the world, but the impact is beginning to appear in various ways among us, who work in the logistics industry in Thailand. As a forwarder who transport the cargoes in various industries, when I visit customers, I receive various questions about the effects of Covid-19 from a logistics point of view. […]